1. A regular member of the SMCEMA shall consist of dues paying persons representing or affiliated with, governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations, approved by the membership that are involved in emergency management.
2. There is a $100.00 annual membership due that is required and joining mid-year will be pro-rated accordingly.
3. Dues are payable to the Treasurer on or after July 1st and shall be considered - past due as of August 30th.
Associate Membership (Non- Paying Membership)
1. An associate members of the SMCEMA shall consist of public and private entities/organizations having a collateral duty relating to, or an interest in emergency management and or providing, promoting or supporting training in the field of emergency management. Examples of Associate Members would include, but are not limited to; private companies and emergency managers from agencies outside the SMOA. Associate Members may attend and participate in regular meetings but are without voting rights in general SMCEMA business and may not hold office